With a decade of experience in the nonprofit sector, Nicki is committed to telling the untold stories in communities across the country to advance equity and systemic change.

Nicki’s work often centers around issues affecting women and rural communities and she has developed a reputation as a skilled trainer in race equity and movement journalism.

She serves as co-director and board member of Women AdvaNCe, advisory council member of Press On, Prismatic Resident with the Cypress Fund, co-founder of Indi/visible and treasurer of Sigma Omicron Epsilon Inc.

Prior to working with Turn Two, Nicki worked to advance North Carolina women’s health and equality issues in the local, state, and national media and trained and uplifted Native American women to share their own personal stories in the media.

You can often find Nicki picking up wampum on the beach, swimming or exploring the North Carolina coastline.

Email Nicki: nicki@turn-two.co

meet Nicki.

Nicki Faircloth
Communications Consultant